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Zoltán Fekete conducts G.F. Handel: Suite from Triumph of Time and Truth (arr. Fekete)
19.12.2010, 14:56

Zoltán Fekete

Венгерский дирижер Золтан Фекете родился 25 июля 1909 года в Будапеште. Учился у Золтана Кодаи и Белы Бартока. Оставил несколько хороших записей, некоторые из которых выставлены на нашем сайте. О жизни Фекете известно мало,  никто не знает даже точной даты его смерти, однако известный историк музыки и коллекционер Тери Ноэль Тове утверждал, что венгерский дирижер умер в конце 1970-х годов (см. http://www.soundfountain.org/rem/remfekete.html). 

The Triumph of Time and Truth is an oratorio by George Frideric Handel which saw three iterations across 50 years of Handel's career. HWV 46a is an Italian oratorio from 1707. In 1737 Handel revised and expanded the oratorio to create HWV 46b. Finally, HWV 71 is the work expanded and revised again, possibly without much involvement at all by Handel, into an English-language oratorio from 1757. While Jephtha is considered Handel's final oratorio, this again-revised version of "Il trionfo" (HWV 71) dates from March 1757 with Isabella Young singing the role of Counsel (Truth). The libretto has been reworked into English (probably by Thomas Morell) and the oratorio again expanded. Handel's health at this time was very poor, and his contribution (if any) to this "new" work is uncertain. John Christopher Smith Jr. probably assembled the score.

George Frideric Handel

Suite from Triumph of Time and Truth, HWV 71
(Orchestration and arrangement by Zoltan Fekete)

Orchestral Society of Vienna

Zoltán Fekete


Images courtesy The Remington Site - Rudolf Bruil

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