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Selmar Meyrowitz conducts Berlioz: Symphonie fantastique
28.12.2009, 00:16

Selmar Meyrowitz (18 April 1875 - 24 March 1941) was a student at the Leipzig Conservatory, where he was a pupil of Reinecke and Jadassohn, and then spent three years studying with Max Bruch in Berlin, where he was noticed by Felix Mottl. Mottl took him on as his assistant at the Karlsruhe Opera in 1897, and later, when he went to the Metropolitan Opera in New York in 1900, Meyrowitz went with him. While in America Meyrowitz accompanied Johanna Gadski on tour, and following his return to Europe in 1905 he held conducting posts in several of the leading opera houses of the continent: the Prague National Theatre (1905–1906), the Berlin Komische Oper (1907–1910), the Munich Court Opera (1912–1914), and the Hamburg State Opera (1914–1918). Subsequently based in Berlin, he conducted the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra between 1918 and 1923 and the Blüthner Orchestra in 1920; he also conducted at Berlin Radio, as well as further afield in Hamburg, Vienna and Rome. From 1924 to 1933 he was a conductor at the Berlin State Opera, alongside Erich Kleiber and George Szell, and returned to the USA as the conductor of the German Grand Opera Company, which toured America between 1929 and 1931. Following the rise to power of Hitler’s National Socialist government in Germany in 1933, Meyrowitz moved to Paris where he remained for the rest of his life. Here among much else he conducted the first French production of Kurt Weill’s Die Dreigroschen Oper in 1937.

Hector Berlioz: Symphonie fantastique, Op. 14

Grand Orchestre Philharmonique de Paris

Selmar Meyrowitz

Rec.: 1934

Категория: Аудио | Добавил: Павел | Теги: Berlioz, Meyrowitz
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