Sascha Jacobsen (1895–1971 or 1972) was an American violinist and teacher of Russian descent. He graduated from Juilliard School in 1915 as a pupil of Franz Kneisel and upon graduation received the Morris Loeb Memorial Award. Later he taught at the same school and his pupils were Julius Hegyi and Zvi Zeitlin among others. In the 1950s Jacobsen served as concertmaster in the Los Angeles Philharmonic under Alfred Wallenstein.
Louis Kaufman (May 10, 1905, Portland, Oregon – February 9, 1994, Los Angeles, California) was an American violinist and possibly the most recorded musical artist of the 20th century. He played the soundtrack on as many as 500 movies and over 100 musical recordings. He is also credited with reviving the music of Antonio Vivaldi with his recording of The Four Seasons in 1947, which won the Grand Prix du Disque in 1950, was elected to the Grammy Hall of Fame in 2002, and in 2003 was selected for the Library of Congress’s National Recording Registry. With the recommendation of Maud Powell and Efrem Zimbalist, Kaufman started at the age of 13 to study with Franz Kneisel in New York City at the Institute of Musical Art, now Juilliard. He played the viola with the Musical Art Quartet from 1926 to 1933. His solo recital debut at New York's Town Hall in 1928 won him the Naumburg Award. Subsequently, he performed chamber music with Pablo Casals, Mischa Elman, Jascha Heifetz, Fritz Kreisler, Gregor Piatigorsky, and Efrem Zimbalist. He was an accomplished violinist, playing 15-minute radio recitals when he was asked to play the soundtrack for Ernst Lubitsch's movie The Merry Widow; this performance opened up a long career in performing soundtracks for Hollywood films, including such classics as Casablanca, Gone with the Wind, The Diary of Anne Frank, Wuthering Heights, The Grapes of Wrath, and Spartacus. It is variously estimated that he made 400 solo performances for movies and acted as the concertmaster for several hundred. He also premiered a number of notable 20th century composers, including works by Aaron Copland, Darius Milhaud, and Bohuslav Martinů, and made the premiere recording of Samuel Barber's violin concerto. He and his wife, the pianist Annette Kaufman (née Leibole) often performed together. In September 2003, she published the book A Fiddler's Tale - How Hollywood and Vivaldi Discovered Me (ISBN 0-299-18380-7), with Louis Kaufman as principal author and Annette Kaufman as co-author. The couple donated a large collection of personal papers to the Library of Congress in 2000, which included papers from such notables as Leonard Bernstein, Jascha Heifetz, and others. They also donated a large art collection to the National Gallery of Art and Syracuse University.
Мари Рёме-Розанофф (фр. Marie Roemaet-Rosanoff; 1896—1967) — американская виолончелистка бельгийского происхождения. Училась в Институте музыкального искусства у Виллема Виллеке, затем совершенствовала своё мастерство под руководством Пабло Казальса и его ассистента Льва Розанова, за которого вышла замуж. На рубеже 1920-30-х гг. получила определённую известность как ансамблевый музыкант в составе Квартета музыкального искусства (англ. Musical Art Quartet) вместе с Сашей Якобсеном, Бернардом Око и Луисом Кауфманом. В дальнейшем на протяжении многих лет совместно с супругом вела плодотворную преподавательскую деятельность, преимущественно частным порядком, а также, в 1950-е гг., в летней школе в Уилтоне (Коннектикут). По воспоминаниям ученика Рёме-Розанофф Стивена Кейтса: "...она была замечательной виолончелисткой и нередко демонстрировала это в ходе уроков. Она также отлично играла на фортепиано. Мне рассказывали, что она могла сыграть на виолончели любую партию любого из бетховенских квартетов — то есть включая скрипичные и альтовые. Она была просто невероятно одарённым музыкантом и стала для меня образцом, к которому я до сих пор стремлюсь приблизиться...". Подготовила вместе с мужем издание Шести сюит для виолончели соло Иоганна Себастьяна Баха (на основании указаний Казальса), осуществила ряд аранжировок (в частности, виолончельное переложение баховской органной Пасторали фа мажор).
Биографию четвёртого участника квартета, а именно Пауля Бернарда, я, к сожалению, не нашёл. Franz Schubert Quartet for Strings no 13 in A minor, D 804/Op. 29 no 1 "Rosamunde" 9,11,12.01.1928 Quartet for Strings no 11 in E major, D 353/Op. 125 no 2: Minuetto 12.03.1928 Musical Art Quartet