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Jascha Horenstein conducts Gustav Mahler: Symphonies No. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
08.09.2015, 16:40

Jascha Horenstein

(May 6, 1898, in Kiev - April 2, 1973, in London)

Jascha Horenstein was born in Kiev, Ukraine; his mother was Austrian. His family moved to Vienna in 1911 and he studied at the Vienna Academy of Music starting in 1916, with Joseph Marx (music theory) and Franz Schreker (composition). In 1920, he moved to Berlin and worked as an assistant to Wilhelm Furtwängler. During the 1920s he conducted the Vienna Symphony Orchestra and the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. He became principal conductor of the Düsseldorf Opera in 1928, and then the company's Generalmusikdirektor in 1929. He had to resign his post in March 1933 after the rise of the Nazi Party. His Düsseldorf tenure was the only permanent musical directorship in his career. Forced as a Jew to flee the Nazis, he moved to the United States of America in 1940, and eventually became an American citizen. He taught at the New School for Social Research while in New York City. Horenstein is particularly remembered as a champion of modern music and as a Mahler conductor, although his repertory as shown by discographies was quite wide. In 1929 he conducted the premiere of three movements of Alban Berg's Lyric Suite in an arrangement for string orchestra. In 1950, he conducted the first Paris performance of Berg's Wozzeck. Horenstein conducted the works of Anton Bruckner and Gustav Mahler throughout his career, and he also displayed ongoing interest in Carl Nielsen, whom he knew personally, at a time when these composers were unfashionable. For example, his 1952 Vox recording of Mahler's Symphony No. 9 was the first studio recording, and the second commercial record, of that work. Several years later, he recorded the original version of Bruckner's Symphony No. 9. He made studio recordings of several of Mahler's symphonies at various points in his career, including Symphonies Nos. 1 and 3 with the London Symphony Orchestra. A number of radio archives hold broadcast airchecks of many of the other Mahler symphonies, as well as Das Lied von der Erde. In recent years, several of Horenstein's concert performances have been reissued on the BBC Legends label, including his celebrated 1959 Royal Albert Hall performance of Mahler's Symphony No. 8 and his 1972 Manchester performance of Mahler's Das Lied von der Erde. Horenstein also recorded Robert Simpson's Third Symphony and music by Paul Hindemith and Richard Strauss during the last few years of his life. His opera recordings included Carl Nielsen's Saul og David. His final operatic, and British, engagement was his March 1973 performances at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden of Richard Wagner's Parsifal.

Soloists who participated in the recordings:

Helen Watts      Norma Procter

Margaret Price      Joyce Barker        Lucretia West

Agnes Giebel      Alfred Orda (?)

Kerstin Meyer      Kenneth Neate      Arnold van Mill




Symphony no 1 in D major

Vienna Symphony Orchestra


Symphony Orchestra of Caracas


Orquesta Sinfónica del Sodre (OSSODRE), Montevideo


London Symphony Orchestra



Symphony no 3 in D minor

Helen Watts, contralto

Highgate School Choir

Orpington Junior Singers

Chorus of London Symphony Orchestra

London Symphony Orchestra


Norma Procter, contralto

Ambrosian Singers

Wandsworth School Boys' Choir

London Symphony Orchestra


Lucretia West

Choirs of the Immaculata Bergamo and of the RAI Turin

RAI Turin Orchestra

16 December 1970


Symphony no 4 in G major

Jennifer Vyvyan, soprano

Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra


Margaret Price, soprano

London Philharmonic Orchestra



Symphony no 5 in C sharp minor

Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra


Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra



Symphony no 6 in A minor

Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra

15, 17.04.1966

Finnish Radio Orchestra


Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra



Symphony no 7 in E minor

New Philharmonia Orchestra



Symphony no 8 in E flat major

Joyce Barker, soprano

Agnes Giebel, soprano

Beryl Hatt, soprano

Kerstin Meyer, mezzo-soprano

Helen Watts, alto

Kenneth Neate, tenor

Alfred Orda, baritone

Arnold van Mill, bass

BBC Chorus

BBC Choral Society

Goldsmith's Choral Union

Hampstead Choral Society

Emanuel School Boys' Choir

Orpington Junior Singers (Girls' Choir)

London Symphony Orchestra



Symphony no 9 in D major

Vienna Pro Musica


Vienna Symphony Orchestra


London Symphony Orchestra


Orchestre National de France


American Symphony Orchestra



Практически все материалы взяты из собственной коллекции. Третью (1960) и Пятую симфонии мне прислал лично Миша Горенштейн, с которым я уже довольно давно веду переписку (внук того, кому посвящена эта выкладка); за Шестую симфонию (1969) благодарю Л. М. Гогу; за 9-ю (1967) - С.Е. Никитина; за Первую симфонию 1964 года я уже и не помню, кого благодарить... может быть, этим благодетелем был Миша Горенштейн, может быть, кто-то другой, но я благодарен всем, кто так или иначе помог собрать этой прекрасный материал!

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