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Alfred Hertz conducts Wagner: Parsifal (excerpts) 1925
12.11.2009, 01:20

Alfred Hertz (July 15, 1872 – April 17, 1942), a German conductor born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Hertz first came to prominence conducting Wagner at the Metropolitan Opera in New York. Some of the performances he conducted were experimentally recorded by the Met's librarian Lionel Mapleson on what are now known as the Mapleson Cylinders and later issued on LP. He later became music director of the San Francisco Symphony, from 1915 to 1930, receiving praise and a cover story in Time for his leadership and accomplishments. Hertz led the San Francisco Symphony's first recordings, for the Victor Talking Machine Company, from 1925 to 1930. He also conducted the orchestra in its first radio broadcasts, beginning in 1926. After 1930, Hertz guest conducted the orchestra. Hertz spent much of later years in Berkeley, California, but died in San Francisco, California at age 69.

Richard Wagner: Parsifal

1. Prelude to Act I

2. Good Friday Spell

San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Conductor: Alfred Hertz

Rec.: 1.05.1925

Категория: Аудио | Добавил: Павел | Теги: Wagner, Hertz
Просмотров: 1432 | Загрузок: 0 | Комментарии: 5 | Рейтинг: / |
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